A world of service and a standard of excellence
Standish Technologies specializes in providing custom software services and products including our industry-leading Special Nuclear Materials inventory management and reporting software with SNMtrac® and SNMtracLite™.
The Custom Software Group provides specialized office, engineering and automation applications. Standish also offers a broad range of experience in porting legacy software, such as Fortran, to Windows, Unix or Linux platforms.

SNMtrac® is fully compatible with the latest NMMSS reporting system as specified in the current NRC documents NUREG/BR-0006 and NUREG/BR-0007 and NMMSS Report D-24.

SNMcare® is the perfect solution for both shutdown and operating plants. With SNMcare®, Standish Technologies’ staff does all the work in preparing your NMMSS reports for your internal signature process.

Transition to SNMtrac®
Our SNMtrac® software is currently being used by a significant number of U.S. facilities. Learn more about making the transition from your current SNM tracking software to SNMtrac®.
Contact Us
1504 3rd Avenue
New Brighton, PA 15066
P: 724-553-8063